Winning Lotto Books for all Lotteries Worldwide, From a 3-Time Lotto Winner.

How DO Lotto Agents Survive the Corona Virus Pandemic?

How Lotto Agents Survive …..

Must Win Lotto Systems

** Learn From a 3-Time Lotto Winner **

Newsagents – Traditionally Lotto Agents in Australia – have been doing it tough for years.

Now, with the Corona Virus Pandemic, it is basically all about Survival.

Australian Powerball bookFirst, Australian Lotto Agents were sold an expensive franchise, including having to modernize their Shopfront every few years. But the people who sold them a lotto franchise have made it increasingly easy to , reducing the market share of the Mom and Pop Lotto Agent businesses.  They even launched a Lotto App.

Then along came Lottoland, competing for the lotto dollar with budgets local lotto agents had no chance of competing with.

Now, in early 2020, Australian Lotto Agents are having to contend with walk-by traffic dwindling to near nothing as the Corona Virus epidemic strikes.  Not only is that hitting lotto sales, it is impacting on non-lotto purchases too.

So – How do Lotto Agents Survive?

In my opinion, only by adapting.  Keep doing what you have always done – and you will keep getting what you have always got. Was true once, but when walk-by traffic is almost non existent, keep doing what you have always done is akin to economic suicide.

So how do Lotto Agents adapt?  Here are some ideas.

Oz Lotto Book Free DownloadMake it easy for your customers to buy Lotto tickets online.  NOT from Tattslotto – From YOU.  Lotto Agents who have a website are very unusual – most do not.  Of course, a website is an expense most Australian Lotto Agents cannot afford. BUT – now there is a glimmer of hope; a FREE Web Page on this site.  Think about it.  We can list your Lotto Syndicates for you and your clients can buy by phone – no walk-in customers required.  But you are probably asking, “Why would we give you a free lotto page?” Basically, it is a win-win situation.  As your customers come to your web page – on this website – they also see the lotto books we have for sale.  You benefit from being able to do lotto sales online, we benefit from increased lotto book sales.

Secondly, you can talk to us about offering our “Must Win Something Lotto Books.” You can find full details here on this site, but basically we offer you advanced mathematical models that GUARANTEE a win of some kind – not necessarily a big win, but there is always a win of some kind.

Examples are:

Powerball – 3 main Powerball numbers + the Powerball itself Guaranteed as a minimum – in just 800 games.
2 main Powerball numbers + the Powerball itself Guaranteed as a minimum – in just 120 games.

– 4 main Oz Lotto numbers Guaranteed as a minimum – in just 505 games.

Saturday Lotto – 4 main lotto numbers (could be 4 main or 3 + Supp) Guaranteed as a minimum – in just 1325 games.By offering your customers a that is already half way there – before a single ball is drawn – you are offering something no-one else has locally.We benefit by getting one free share in exchange for creating numbers for you.

Free Lotto Report for Saturday Lotto SyndicateOffer something your customers cannot get anywhere else – Free Lotto Books.

Visit our Sister site, and you can offer your customers several free lotto books and systems.  This builds loyalty with your customers and may encourage them to make regular weekly purchases from you.

These are just some ideas of How Newsagents Can Survive the CoronaVirus Pandemic – Call Terry now on 0468 420 470 and let’s talk about how we can help you boost your lotto ticket sales while we boost our lotto book sales – Everybody Wins!

Powerball Australia Results March 20